Conditions of sale



M.N. Group S.r.l., with legal and administrative office in Milan (MI), Via Borgonuovo 26, ZIP code 20121, Italian Tax Code and registration number 10743120965 (hereinafter “MN GROUP” or “TAPIS ROUGE” or “Seller”), informs that it is possible to purchase, through the website www.ateliertapisrouge.com (hereinafter “Site”) “TAPIS ROUGE” branded rugs (hereinafter “Product(s)“). The purchase price of the Products does not include home delivery (hereinafter “Services”). The sale of the Products is intended for “consumers” or “professionals”.

For the purposes of these General Conditions, the following meanings apply:

  • “Consumer” (hereinafter the “Consumer” and, together with the Seller, the “Parties”) any natural person who purchases the Products offered for sale on the Site for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, artisan or professional activity carried out by the same, in compliance with the provisions of art. 3, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, no. 206, as subsequently amended, most recently with Legislative Decree no. 21 dated 21 February 2014 (hereinafter the “Consumer Code”).
  • “Professional” (hereinafter the “Professional” and, together with the Seller, the “Parties”) the natural or legal person acting in the exercise of their business, commercial, craft or professional activity, or an intermediary.

In accordance with what stated below, the Consumer or Professional are identified as “Customer” or “Customers”. These general conditions may be subject to change. The general conditions applicable to the sale are those published on the Site upon sending the purchase order by the Customer. In order to make the purchase on the Site, it is necessary to be of age and the delivery of the Products must be carried out in the Italian territory and in all other territories where the sale and delivery is expressly declared as available.

The presentation of the Products on the Site, which is not binding for the Seller, represents a mere invitation to the Consumer to make a contractual purchase proposal and not an offer to the public.

1) Product Selection

The Products for sale are published on the Site. The main characteristics of the Products as well as the price are also available on the Site. Custom-made Products are available upon request through the feedback form or through email request at info@ateliertapisrouge.com.

2) Product prices

All the prices of the Products indicated on the Site are in currency depending on Customer’s geoposition and exclude VAT, delivery costs to the place requested by the Customer and organized by TAPIS ROUGE, all applicable taxes and customs duties. The price shown on the Site at the time the order is sent is applied to the purchase of the Products without any consideration of previous offers or any subsequent price change.

3) Conclusion of the purchase contract (Order)

Purchase orders must be made on-line through the purchase order procedure on the Site, in the section: “_______”. In order to fill in the purchase order, the Customer may follow the following methods:

a) the Customer can enter the required data necessary to make the purchase in the appropriate form, by accessing the “Payment” section;

b) the Customer correctly completes the purchase order procedure if the Site does not show any error messages (the system cannot detect errors in reference to the data entered by the Customer in the field dedicated to billing and shipping addresses). The purchase contract will be considered entered into between the Seller and the Customer with the completion of the payment of the consideration by the Customer. In this case, receipt of payment will be acknowledged by sending an order confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address communicated by the Customer. This confirmation will summarize the selected Products with the specific characteristics requested by the Customer, the relative prices, the delivery address, the order number and the applicable general conditions;

The Customer must check with the utmost attention and care the correctness of the data contained in the order confirmation and communicate of any correction, in writing via email, to the Customer Service within 24 (twenty-four) hours of receipt of order confirmation. The order number, generated by the system, must be used by the Customer in any communication with the Customer Service, which can be contacted by email at info@ateliertapisrouge.com.

4) Obligations of the Customer

By sending the purchase order electronically, the Customer declares that it has unconditionally examined and accepted these general conditions, committing itself to observe them in his relations with the Seller. To confirm acceptance of the general conditions, the Customer must put a special flag in the related box, present in the purchase proposal.

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